What is your mind diet?
What we put into our heads is just as important as what we put into our mouths. Sometimes it can be even more damaging. If you want to improve your mood and increase your optimism, pay attention to what you are feeding your mind.
For one week, keep a list of everything you watch, read, and listen to. Do you check email and social media upon waking? Write it down. Do you turn on the news while you are making coffee? Write it down. Do you listen to talk radio on your way to work? Write it down. You may say, "That's a completely overwhelming task. I can't write all that down. There's way too much." Congratulations, you've just made your first mind diet observation! You are putting an incredible amount of images and sounds into your head.
When the week is finished, go back and read your list. Are you watching pundits argue on television? Are you watching apocalyptic movies? Are your friends posting nothing but complaints and abused animal pictures on social media?
Consider going on a one-week detox and eliminate the angriest, saddest, and most annoying things on your list. Trade angry commentators for podcasts with inspiring people. Unfollow your whiniest friends. Read a news story once, instead of watching sensational footage five times in one hour. Listen to music that makes you smile and want to dance.
Just like putting healthy food into our bodies will make us feel more energetic, putting useful and uplifting information into our heads will make us feel more positive and be more productive.
So give it a try and write to me with your feedback. Comment below, or email me at Maggie@BlackBook.Marketing.
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